K. K. Wagh Education Society & Smile-Spinach Nashik jointly organized the sixth Smruti cup sport competition inaugurated by Arjuna Award winner Hon. Mr. Shantaram Jadhav in the presence of Hon. Smt. Shakuntala Balasheb Wagh, Hon. Ajinkya Balasaheb Wagh & other dignitaries on 13th Dec. 2019, Bhausahebnagar.
This sports event includes different competitions such as Kabaddi (Boys & Girls) Kho-Kho (Boys & Girls), Volleyball (Boys & Girls) Football, Chess, Wrestling, Fencing, Jump rope, Cricket matches held during 14th to 19th December 2019 with 32 teams.
District-level wrestling matches were arranged on 14th December 2019. Chess matches were arranged on 15th December 2019. 135 participants attended the matches.
Football matches were arranged at the Engineering campus from 16th Dec. to 18th Dec. 2019 Jump rope competition was arranged at the Universal School Campus on 17th Dec. 2019, 110 participants participated in this sport event.
Kabaddi (Boys & Girls) matches were held at Kakasahebnagar campus on 18th Dec. 2019 24 Boys teams & 9 Girls teams participated in the competition.
Kho-kho (Boys & Girls), Volleyball (Boys & Girls) matches held at Chandori campus on 19th Dec. & 20th Dec, 2019.
In this way, the seven days Padma Shri Karmaveer Kakasaheb Wagh Smruti cup sport event ends with a prize distribution ceremony which was held on 21st Dec. 2019 at Bhausahebnagar. In the ceremony winners & participants were awarded with prizes & certificates by the Chief Guest Hon. Shrihari Tapkir, Everest & famous blogger Prashant Pardeshi, Hon. Ajinkya Balasaheb Wagh. On this occasion all the principal, teachers, sports teachers & students were present.
This sports event was guided by Late Hon. Balasaheb Wagh(ex-President), Ashokbhai Merchant, Hon. Chairman Sameer B Wagh and Hon. Secretary Prof. K.S. Bandi, all principals, and teachers have taken efforts for the success of the program.