- Played an important role in building & completing 250 Karmaveer Bunds
Understanding the problems faced by the farmers particularly, due to non-availability of water Shri. Balaseheb Wagh successfully commissioned Karmaveer Kakasaheb Wagh Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana, a sugar factory at his native place, he decided to encourage the farmers to take variety of crops other than sugarcane. He constructed series of bunds in Niphad Tehsil. later referred as Karmaveer Bandhare through the cooperative sugar mill. The bunds that are created augmented the groundwater level so that farmers could take nearly three crops in a year. Also as assured supply of water is there, the farmers took various initiatives and successfully shifted to variety of horticultural crops. As the local market is available in nearby areas farmers could sell their products and the standard of living was also raised. The bunds are constructed without any financial support from the Government as farmers community in the nearby areas have contributed voluntarily and raised the funds. The construction of 250 Karmaveer bunds have resulted in increasing the groundwater level and yield of the farmers.

Karmaveer Bhandhara (One of 250 Minor Irrigation dams constructed by Shri.Balasheb Wagh)

Karmaveer Bhandhara at Niphad Block (One of 250 Minor Irrigation dams constructed by Shri.Balasheb Wagh)