State level Association – Agriculture
1. Establishment:
“The Association of the Managements of Agriculture & Agriculture Allied Colleges” Maharashtra was established in January 2005 and registered under Societies Registration (Reg. No.:MH/30/2005/Nashik dtd. 19-01-2005. Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 (AF-8499(Nashik)dtd.31/08/2005.
The Association of the Managements of Agriculture & Agriculture allied Colleges is formed to tackle problems faced by Un-aided Private Agriculture Colleges and to disseminate information. Almost all Un-aided Agriculture & Agriculture allied Colleges in the State of Maharashtra are Members of this Association. The main function of the Association is to resolve the common problems of the various institutions by establishing liaisons with various organizations like the State Govt., Agriculture Universities and Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education and Research, FRA, ARA etc.
The Association is formed with the objective of bringing quality to agriculture education through a continuous process of betterment in agriculture education in the state of Maharashtra The Association always deliberates on various current and concurrent issues, Which leads to the formulation of indicative and suggestive guidelines related to various aspects of quality in agriculture education.
2. Organizational Structure:
Currently, around 93 unaided Agriculture and Agriculture Allied Colleges in the State of Maharashtra are members of this Association. There are four regional committees headed by the regional Chairman and Secretary. There is a Central Executive Committee comprising of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and other elected members. Regional Chairmen are also members of the Executive Committee. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee as well as the General Body are conducted in online and offline mode from time to time.
During these meetings, problems faced by the member Colleges are discussed and guidance is also provided for filling of FRA format and other formats prepared by the regulating authorities.
3. Important Activities andInitiatives:
- Various suggestions regarding admission eligibility norms and the conduction of the admission process for various unaided Agriculture and Agriculture Allied courses have been given to MCAER from time to time.
- Agriculture and Agriculture Allied courses got the Status of “Professional Colleges” in the Maharashtra State because of the efforts taken by Late Shri Balasaheb Wagh.
- He had pleaded with the issues of the member institutions on various aspects such as usage charges, equalization factor, development fees and various related issues with the Fee.
- Late Balasaheb had taken successful efforts for the Agriculture Polytechnic Student to get direct admission in second year B.Sc. (Agri) after completion of the agriculture polytechnic course.
- Maharashtra Govt. has declared the status of ABM Colleges as “Professional Colleges” they came under the per view of FRA.
- Even in this pandemic situation under the leadership of Late Balasaheb Wagh, the Association tried to communicate with Govt. to solve the various issues of the member colleges.

Felicitation of Shri. Balasaheb Wagh on being elected as President of the Association of the Management of Agri. And Agril Allied Colleges

Late Shri. Balasaheb Wagh while guiding the member colleges during Special General Meeting